
2010年5月19日—There'snotransparencysupportintiffs(wellsortof-multilayertiff…butlet'signorethatfornow).,2023年1月29日—Yes,TIFFdoessupporthigh-resolutionimages.Thisfiletypealsopreservesedgedetail,colorsaturation,andsharpness.ThismakesTIFFideal ...,Manypeopledon'tknowthatTIFFfilesalsosupporttransparency.However,notallapplicationssupportTIFFtransparency.Thisiswhyisnotthepreferred ...,2018年2月22日...

Transparent Background in 'tiff'

2010年5月19日 — There's no transparency support in tiffs (well sort of - multi layer tiff… but let's ignore that for now).


2023年1月29日 — Yes, TIFF does support high-resolution images. This file type also preserves edge detail, color saturation, and sharpness. This makes TIFF ideal ...


Many people don't know that TIFF files also support transparency. However, not all applications support TIFF transparency. This is why is not the preferred ...

Save TIFF with transparencyalpha channel

2018年2月22日 — Palette or indexed color TIFF does not support alpha values in the color map. The entries are 16 bit per color component, but only R, G, ...

Save transparency with TIFF files

2021年12月10日 — However, the drawback with TIFF files is that Transparency may not be saved properly, as opposed to the .psd Photoshop Format that automatically ...

What's the Difference Between PNG, JPEG, GIF, and TIFF?

2024年3月14日 — PNG files support millions of colors and varying degrees of transparency, and offer better readability than a JPEG or GIF. They are commonly ...

Tiff or png

2021年9月8日 — AFAIK a tiff has no transparency - you would need a clipping path. No - tiff can have transparency - no issue with that.

How to make a tiff file smaller while keeping the transparency

2016年11月23日 — There are compression formats that can be used with TIFF, but they do little to reduce file size by any appreciable level. TIFFs are primarily ...

What's the fundamental difference between .tiff, .tga, and . ...

2013年3月17日 — TIFF does support transparency. It supports a HUGE number of features, far more than PNG. TIFF is a flexible, adaptable file format for ...